Buyer Beware!

PLEASE BEWARE OF SCAMS!  It seems there have been several websites that are scams and actually collecting deposits from people using Testimonals from MAFIA DANES (formerly EMRICK DANES) family members!  Please help spread the word that this is not a legitimate breeder!  If your Testimonal for us is on this site, please continue to reach out to them.  I've contacted the police and was told that they are overseas so there isn't much I can do about it.  I get alot of emails and calls from people asking why my testimonials are on this scam web site.  I have worked way too hard, way too long to let a scammer drag my reputation in the mud!  The most recent website is:

The following is a new running list of Boston Terrier Breeders that I would like buyers to be wary of as they have been known to scam for money without producing any puppies:

(1) Sierra Stevenson (as known on facebook).  Sierra was a member of the facebook group AKC Boston Terrier Puppies.


Southwest Florida
(443) 800-5709