Medications - Indications & Dosaging Information

We do NOT jump right to medications, but we know there are times when medications are necessary to keep our babies healthy.  Below is a bit of information on some commonly used prescription medications.


Carprofen / Rimadyl, Carprieve, Norocarp - An oral non-steriodal anti-inflammatory used to reduce pain and swelling associated with osteoarthritis and to treat post-op pain associated with soft tissue or orthopedic surgeries in dogs. *May produce loose stools, diarrhea, vomiting, or diminished appetite.  Must administer with a full meal. (2mg/lb of body weight daily or 1mg/lb of body weight twice a day)

Cefadroxil / Cefa-Drops / Keflex - An oral antibiotic used to treat Cystitis (Genitourinary tract Infection), UTI (Urinary Tract Infections), skin & soft tissue infections such as cellulitis, pyoderma, dermatitis, wound infections, gingivitis, and absesses caused by Staph   *May produce loose stools, diarrhea, vomiting, or diminished appetite.  Must administer with a full meal.(.2mL/lb of body weight twice a day for a minimum of 7 days; maximum of 21 as needed)

Clavamox - an oral broad spectrum antibiotic / antimicrobial.  Used for many things, however, its very useful with Pyometra.  (6.25mg/lb of body weight twice a day) Each 62.5 tablet contains 50mg of amoxicillin and 12.5mg of clavulanate Potassium. 

  • 10 pounds             62.5mg chewable tablet BID (50mg amoxicillin / 12.5mg clavulanate)
  • 20 pounds            125mg chewable tablet BID  (100mg amoxicillin / 25mg clavulanate)
  • 40 pounds             250mg chewable tablet BID  (200mg amoxicillin / 50mg clavulanate)
  • 60 pounds             375mg chewable tablet BID  (300mg amoxicillin / 75mg clavulanate)
  • 80 pounds             500mg chewable tablet BID  (400mg amoxicillin / 100mg clavulanate)
  • 100 pounds           625mg chewable tablet BID  (500mg amoxicillin / 125mg clavulanate)

Clavamox Product code #:  06CLAV-125 and Clavulanate K Product code #:  06CLAVA-625

Mometamax 15grams - For ear infections (6 drops in the infected ear daily for 10 days)

Cefpodoxime - Good for skin infections.  For a seriously allergic reaction where the skin is inflamed and sore, this product helps clear up the possible infection from the weakened immune system from the allergy (100mg tabs; One tablet by mouth once a day)



Revolution - A flea/tick medication that can only be purchased with a prescription (See also Joe's Pet Med's on our links page).  This comes in a small tube and treats lice and mites on pet rats.  Purchase the Mauve Tube (Kitten Revolution) for rats weighing less than 5 lbs., and using a very small syringe, administer .1ml per lb of rats body weight.  Be very caution to not over medicate and this will poison your pet rat. 



Zithromax - 500mg once a day for 3 days for sinus infection, respiratory infection, skin infection, pneumonia, or ear infections caused by Bacteria.  For For Gonorrhea or Chlamydia, take a single dose of a 1000mg tab. 

Claxamox / Amox-Clav / Clavulanate - Amoxicillian and Clavulanate K is an antibiotic used to treat a wide range of bacteria in the body such as skin, UTI, Pyoderma's, etc.    875/125mg tabs has 875 mg of Amoxicillian and 125mg of Clavulanate.  Take 1 tablet twice a day for 7 days.


Southwest Florida
(443) 800-5709